What is hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy is a procedure like endoscopy wherein we visualise the inside of the uterine cavity for any abnormality or intrauterine adhesion.

Common indications for hysteroscopic procedure are:

Intrauterine adhesion: These are fibrous band connecting between the walls of uterus resulting in infertility or abortion.

Thin endometrium: The minimum thickness for a healthy endometrium is 7 mm, this is the minimum thickness required for implantation and a good pregnancy outcome. Thin endometrium is common if it gets damaged by infection like tuberculosis etc.

Septate uterus: The cavity uterus is reduced in size due to congenital remnant of the wall of uterus which usually reabsorbs completely around 20 weeks of pregnancy. This can lead to increased risk of abortion as well as infertility.

Endometrial polyp: This is overgrowth of the endometrium lining into the uterine cavity. This can lead to increased risk of abortion as well as infertility. If it is small in size than it can be ignored but if the size of polyp is more than 1 cm or there is history of abortion or IVF failure this should be removed before futher treatment.

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