  • Turner syndrome
  • Premature ovarian failure
  • Poor ovarian reserve
  • Advance maternal age
  • Previous IVF(In vitro Fertilization) cycle with poor oocyte or embryo quality.
How do you screen donors?

Donors are evaluated on :

  • History : Age, any genetic history or history of communicable illness, family history of genetic illness, delivery details, history of children
  • Height , weight, colour of skin and eyes
  • Education
  • Physical Health
  • Screening test which includes infectious disease screening and hormonal test.
How donor oocyte helps?
  • Better quality of oocyte and embryo
  • Improved implantation and pregnancy rate.
Donor Gametes

What does one mean by donor gametes?

Obtaining the gametes of another individual for self-procreation is called donor gametes. It can be of two type’s viz. Egg donation or Sperm donation.

Who needs a donor?

In general terms, any individual who are unable to conceive with their own gametes require donor gametes (egg/sperm). In summary, the following are few of the causes for donor gametes

Sperm donor
  • Azoospermia with testicular failure
  • Removal of gonads due to malignancy
  • Very low/poor count can opt for donor insemination
  • Very low/poor count can opt for donor insemination
  • Repeated Fertilization/IVF failure
Egg Donation
  • Postmenopausal woman
  • Premenopausal woman with Low AMH
  • Removal of ovaries due to malignancy
  • Very low ovarian reserve at any age may opt for egg donation
  • Known carrier/affected with a genetic disease with high chances of transmission
  • Repeated IVF failure
Who can donate?

There are strict guidelines by the government to regulate donors.

Sperm donors can donate between age 21-45 years with an official consent that they can never have any claim for the child.

Egg donors can donate between age 23-35 years of age and should have at least one child of their own. They, too have to give a consent that they will never have any claim on the child.

These donors are compensated monetarily.

What are laws governing donor gametes?

Current scenario, donors for gametes can be procured from only an ART sperm Bank registered with the government. It is mandatory for the sperm bank to screen the donors for their history, medical fitness and infectious disease screen which includes HIV, HBsAG, HCV and VDRL infections.

What about confidentiality?

Donor gametes can be used only after consent of the patient and has highest confidentiality applied. This is known only to the doctor and the patient. Additionally, donor identification details are not disclosed to the patient. Hence, both the donor and the couple never know to each other.

What are psychosocial consequences of donor cycle?

The pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding of child is done by the mother. The fact that it is a child borne out of donation is known only to the couple and the doctor. So, if a couple is open and accepts the fact of donor gamete it, does not have a bearing on the upbringing of the child.

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