In recent years, Platelet- Rich Plasma (PRP) has been used alongside conventional fertility treatments like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to improve egg quality, uterine lining thickness, and endometrial receptivity, primarily in the treatment of recurrent implantation failure experienced over multiple IVF cycles. While there is not yet a rich source of scientific literture showing it’s overall effectiveness, it is being used more and more frequently due to its clinical success.

What is PRP?

PRP is a concentrated blood product that contains a high percentage of platelets (biomolecules with natural healing and regenerative properties). To understand more, let’s take a step back and look at blood as a whole. In general, whole blood is composed of 4 main components:

Plasma: the liquid component of blood that consists mostly of water, dissolved salts and proteins. It constitutes more than half of blood volume and provides the medium for all other components in the blood to be transported throughout the body.

Platelets: Also known as thrombocytes, platelets are cell-like particles that help in the clotting process and release other substances and growth factors.

Red Blood Cells: Also called erythrocytes, red blood cells carry oxygen is involved in the exchange of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide, brining oxygen to tissue, and removing carbon dioxide from the body.

White Blood Cells: Also known as leukocytes) are white blood cells are primarily responsible for the body’s immune system.

How is PRP used for IVF and other fertility Treatments?

PRP is used in a number of fertility treatments including IUI and IVF to assist with and improve egg quantity/quality and improve uterine lining thickness/enhance endometrial receptivity during an embryo transfer. It is most often used in those who have undergone multiple IVF cycles with a history of recurrent implantation failure (RIF), a condition in which multiple IVF transfers do not result in pregnancy despite high-quality embryos being transferred on multiple occasions. PRP is usually tried before turning to donor egg IVF, but may be used alongside donor egg cycles along with other supporting treatments focusing on reproductive immunology.

PRP for Egg Quantity & Quality

PRP may be used to encourage an improvement in egg quality, ovarian rejuvenation, and response to stimulation medications.

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